
Sunday 30 April 2017

Kings and Queens - Sunday Stamps II

I tried to get a link between the Kings and Queens I am showing. Let me know what you think.

Victor Emmanuel III - 21 April 1929
He was King of Italy from 28 July 1900 until he abdicated on 8 May 1946 in favour of his son Umberto II. Umberto was the last King of Italy but only from 9 May to 12 June 1946. Italy then became a republic.

Victor Emmanuel also claimed the thrones of Ethiopia and Albania as Emperor of Ethiopia (1936-1941) and King of Albania (1939-1943)

King Paul I of Greece
This stamp was issued on 6 May 1964 as a memorial to King Paul, King from 1 April 1947 to 6 March 1964. He was the last but one King of Greece before the country became a republic in 1973.

Queen Juliana of the Netherlands 1954
Juliana was Queen from 1948 until she abdicated in 1980. Her daughter  Beatrix succeeded  her as Queen; she abdicated in 2013 to be followed by her son, King Willem - Alexander

For more Kings and Queens visit Sunday-Stamps-II 124.

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not, -'Z'

Z - Zimbabwe House

Zimbabwe House, London
This Grade II Listed Building on the Strand is now occupied by the Zimbabwean Embassy.

It was designed by Charles Hoden in 1907-1908 as the Headquarters of the British Medical Association. It featured naked statues by Joseph Epstein.

For the startled Edwardian public the full-frontal nudity, not to mention the wrinkled flesh of a grand maternal woman holding a baby, proved too much. A campaign against the statues began, with protests from a group called the National Vigilance Society and a raging debate in the press. The Evening Standard declared that ‘no careful father’ would let his daughter see such depravity,

The statues remain today in a mutilated state following the removal in the 1930s of projecting features after pieces, some say of a phallus, fell off on to a gentleman passerby.

What a way to end A-Z this year.

Saturday 29 April 2017

Renewable Energy - Sepia Saturday

Just recently news was made by the UK having a day when no power was generated by coal. Solar and wind energy were in charge.

But sometimes don't you just wish that 

the wind did not blow so hard!

Is this what Sepia Saturday 365 was looking for?

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'Y'

Y - York House

Having 'cheated' slightly on 'X' I was thinking of doing the same for 'Y' by posting on the royal members of the House of York.

But as you might expect there are many houses in England call 'York House'. The one I have chosen is one at the home of rugby in Twickenham.

York House, Twickenham
(!7 January 2015, by Jim Linwood - CC BY-SA 2.0)
This historic stately home currently serves as the Town Hall for the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.

It occupies part of the site belonging from at least Tudor times to Yorke Farm; its name derives from that family.

Over the centuries the house passed through several owners after Queen Elizabeth I and King Edward VI granted Yorke farm to members of their household.

In 1897 the house was sold to the Duc of Orleans who had been a Pretender to be King of France, but by 1906 it was acquired by an Indian merchant Prince, Sir Rata J Tata. He was to be the last private owner.

Subsequently in 1924 the property was purchased by Twickenham Urban District Council. In August 1926, Twickenham received its Charter of Incorporation and in November the new borough held its first council meeting in York House. Appropriately the building was officially opened by the Duke of York (later George VI) on 16th November 1926. 

Friday 28 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real,some not - 'X'

X - EXmoor House

I hope you will agree that this is one way to deal with the troublesome letter 'X'.

Exmoor House, Dulverton, Somerset
(20 July 2010, by Nilfanion - CC BY-SA 3.0)
Exmoor House was built as the Dulverton Workhouse. The golden lettering above the door declares that date to have been  -

The west half of the 'T' shaped layout was the men's and boys' accommodation with the women and girls in the east.
After 1930 only vagrants' casual wards remained; later it was used as the Exmoor training centre for girls.

It then became the Rural District Offices. Today it is the Headquarters of the Exmoor National Park Authority.

Dulverton lies in the valley of the River Barle; river and valley are a biological Site of Special Scientific Interest.

The river passes under a pre-historic clapper bridge. The name clapper derives from the medieval Latin "claperius" - a pile of stones. The bridge appeared in a commemorative series of Great Britain's postage stamps in 2015.

Tarr Steps
It's now a scheduled ancient monument and dates from c1000BC.

The stone slabs making up the bridge weigh up to 5 tons each and according to local legend were placed there by the devil to win a bet.

Now doesn't 'X' have associations with the devil??

Thursday 27 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'W'

W - Top Withens

This is another house I had never heard of.

Top Withens, Haworth circa 1900
(Source: Law, Alice 1923; p149 "Patrick Bramwell Bronte." - Public Domain)
I suppose the Haworth name should have given me a clue.

The house is now a roofless ruin but it does have an explanatory plaque.

Top Withens - Bronte Society Plaque
(18 May 2005 - by Dave Dunsford - Public domain)
It's a long time since I read 'Wuthering Heights' but early in Chapter 1 Mr Lockwood finds out that -

"Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr Heathcliff's dwelling. "Wuthering" being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather. Pure, bracing ventilation they must have up there at all times, indeed: one may guess the power of the north wind blowing over the edge, by the excessive slant of a few stunted firs at the end of the house; and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of the sun. Happily, the architect had foresight to build it strong: the narrow windows are deeply set in the wall, and the corners defended with large jutting stones."

You have to read on to find out more as I shall also have to.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Reflections - Thematic Photography

Having missed out on the basement theme last week, I thought that the weather might restrict me this time. However Samwin basking in the reflected sun saved me in the end.

After snow showers had created roadside puddles, reflections reminded me it is supposed to be spring.

Just before I had to jump to avoid the spray from passing cars.

To ponder on other reflections switch over to Carmi's thematic-photographic-410.

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'V'

V - The Vyne

I first I heard about this 16th century country house at Sherborne St John, near Basingstoke was on a very recent 'Flog It' TV show on the BBC.

The Vyne
(30 June 2015 - By Martinv - CC BY-SA 4.0)
The Vyne was built originally for Henry VIII's Lord Chamberlain.The portico on the north front was added in 1854.

Sir Charles Chute bequeathed it to the National Trust in 1956 and each year it now hosts concerts, plays and family events.

It houses The Vyne Ring or Ring of Silvianus, a gold ring probably dating from the 4th century found in a ploughed field in 1785. The property of the Roman Silvianus, it was stolen by a person named Senicianus.

Decades later, and miles away at Lydney in Gloucestershire, a tablet was found at the Roman site known as Dwarf's Hill. This contains an inscribed curse. Silvianus tells the god Nodens that his ring has been stolen and he knows who by; he wants Nodens to sort him out, "Among those who bear the name of Senicianus to none grant health until he bring back the ring to the temple of Nodens."

In 1929, archaeologist Sir Mortimer Wheeler called in J R R Tolkien to advise on the name of the God. Days later Tolkien apparently  began writing "Lord of the Rings".

Tuesday 25 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'U'

U - Uncle Tom's Cabin and ?

From Uncle Tom’s humble cabin to Brideshead Castle, fictional dwellings have often played a vital role in a novel’s success..

During the American Civil War, President Lincoln is reported to have said to an author, “So you’re the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war!”

The author was Harriet Beecher Stowe; the book, once advertised on a poster as “The Greatest Book of the Age”, was Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Stowe in an angry reaction to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.

 Full page illustration by Hammatt Billings for Uncle Tom's Cabin [First Edition: Boston: John P. Jewett and Company, 1852]. Shows characters of Eliza, Harry, Chloe, Tom, and Old Bruno.
George Orwell described Uncle Tom’s Cabin as “the supreme example of the ‘good bad’ book…..also deeply moving and essentially true.” 

Like the book multiple film versions have told the story of the fleeing slaves, the death of little Eva, and eventually the death of Uncle Tom at the hands of the evil Simon Legree. It is more difficult to visualise the cabin of the title as it only features in an early chapter of the book entitled “An Evening in Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. 

The description of it and its contents shows how sparse it was: “The cabin was a small log building, adjoining the master's house. The front, covered by a large scarlet bignonia and a multiflora rose, left hardly any of the rough logs visible. Inside, a bed in one corner was covered with a snowy spread; and by its side was a piece of carpeting; that corner was the drawing-room.

“In the other corner was a humbler bed, designed for use. Some brilliant scriptural prints and a drawn, coloured portrait of General Washington adorned the wall over the fireplace. A rough bench was situated in the corner. A table with rheumatic limbs, covered with a cloth, and brilliantly patterned cups and saucers, was drawn out in front of the fire.”

[The above text is taken from my article, 'Houses in Fiction', published in The Lady magazine in October 2008.]

And now to the ? I could have written about another house for U. Can you recognise it from this extract?

"Suddenly there shot along the path a wild light, and I turned to see whence a gleam so unusual could have issued; for the vast house and its shadows were alone behind me."

Monday 24 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'T'

T - Tolethorpe Hall

Tolethorpe Hall, Little Casterton, Rutland
(By Dave Crosby - 22 June 2013 - CC BY-SA 3.0)
This is the venue of the Rutland Open Air Theatre, the 'home' of the Stamford Shakespeare Company.

This June they will be performing 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' and 'Much Ado About Nothing'.

The first manor house on the site was built by the Norman de Tolethorpe family in the 11th century The setting of the hall overlooks parkland with the River Gwash running near by.

I cannot say that I have ever visited the hall, but before we left the area in the early 1960s I had helped to clean out the Gwash further upstream. I also played cricket against the Tolethorpe Park team.

The Stamford Shakespeare Company acquired the then near derelict hall in 1977. I'll confess that we have also never been fortunate enough to attend any of their performances.

For more details of this year's programme visit and don't forget to book dinner in Tolethorpe Hall itself.

Saturday 22 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'S'

S - Saddlers Cottage

Saddlers Cottage, High Street, Ketton
This is the house in the Rutland village of Ketton in which I was born, eighty years ago next month.

The house of grey Portland stone and roof of Collyweston slate still retains its old character. I remember it in the 1940s and 1950s when the front had a grey wooden fence, a garden gate and a double gate across the drive at the left. It was fun to swing over them from one side to the other.

On either side of a concrete path to the front door were lawns each with diamond-shaped flower beds in their centre. At nine or ten, I had to cut the edges and woe betide me if I snipped off any flowers. They were in more danger from flailing sticks used to swat bumble bees attracted by the asters.

A rambling rose covered the head-high, wire fence between the lawn and drive. A small gate from the drive near the house opened onto a stone path crossing the front to the lawns and flower beds. Right of the house was a short path from the pavement into the garden of the landlord; he kept a beady eye on us especially as our Airedale, Punch, had killed his cat when it trespassed on ‘his’ lawn.

The drive up the left continued to the back boundary fence and contained a gate through which you could enter a stonemason’s yard – but only if he wasn’t there; he wasn’t keen on kids pinching his apples and plums from trees which were covered in the dust from the monuments and gravestones he made.

Those houses you can see in the background on the left are where that stonemason's yard used to be, The tree on the left is the apple tree I used to climb.

As you can see the wooden fences have gone, replaced by those stone walls. There are no gates. It had no name.

Now a nameplate (not visible in the photo) proclaims it to be 'Saddlers Cottage'. My father's family were saddlers before the motorcar came along.

Friday 21 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'R'

R - Ragley Hall

Ragley Hall, the ancestral seat of the Marquess of Hertford, is located in Warwickshire, eight miles west of Stratford-upon-Avon.

Ragley Hall, Alcester, Warwickshire
(18 August 2007, ex - by David Fiddes - CC BY-SA 2.0
Designed by Robert Hooke in Palladian style, it was built in 1680 for Edward Conway, 1st Earl of Conway.

Later its parkland was laid out by Capability Brown.

During WWI and WWII the hall was used as a military hospital.

!982 saw it used a location in the TV series of 'The Scarlet Pimpernel.' 

It 'became' the Palace of Versailles in the BBC Doctor Who TV series of 2006.

Ragley was also one of the earliest stately homes to be open to the public.

Thursday 20 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'Q'

Q - Quarry Bank House

The Irish born industrial entrepreneur Samuel Greg built this house for his family in 1800.

Quarry Bank House
(Styal, Cheshire - 8 August 2013, ex, by David Dixon - CC BY-SA 2.0)
This year will be the first time the public will be able to explore the house.

In 1783 Samuel Greg had built a cotton mill, Quarry Bank Mill, on the River Bollin in Cheshire.

Quarry Bank Mill, Styal, Cheshire
(18 April 2015 by Francis Franklin - CC BY-SA 4.)
Quarry Bank Mill is one of Britain's greatest industrial heritage sites which shows how a complete industrial community lived.

A recent Channel 4 TV series entitled 'The Mill' was inspired by the Gregs and Quarry Bank.

The estate, Quarry Bank House and the Mill are now National Trust properties and open to the public.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

A-Z Challenge - Houses, some real, some not - 'P'

P - Preston Hall

Preston Hall and Park overlooks the River Tees at Eaglescliffe. The Preston Hall Museum and its surroundings in 100 acres of beautiful park land which has undergone a make-over as the result of a Heritage Lottery Grant.

In addition to the winter gardens at the right, the museum houses displays of art, which normally includes Georges de la Tour’s famous Dice Players, armour and social history. 

Exhibitions show visitors what life was like in the 1800s with craft workers in a typical local street of the1890s. The street includes the shop of John Walker from Stockton; Walker was the inventor of the safety match.

Permanent attractions include an aviary, riverside and woodland paths. The Butterfly World  contains hundreds of butterflies from around the world and even some meerkats.

You may ride on the Teesside Small Gauge Railway or take a trip on the river to Yarm and Stockton aboard the pleasure boat, the Teesside Princess.

The park is an ideal place to walk a dog. Other facilities include safe surface play area for children, crazy golf and a café.

The walks by the river and the Quarry Wood Nature reserve are havens for wild life. 

Grassy areas are perfect for picnics and if you have a piscatorial bent the banks of the Tees provide pleasant spots for plumbing its depths.

[This is an edited post from the first A-Z Challenge I entered in 2011]

Tuesday 18 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'O'

O - Osborne House

"It's impossible to imagine a prettier spot."

That's what Queen Victoria said of Osborne House on the Isle of Wight.

North face of Osborne House, IOW
(CC BY-SA 3.0) 
The Osborne estate was in the hands of the Blachford family from 1705. Robert Pope Blachford  adapted an existing house there in the period 1774 to 1781.

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert initially leased that house from the Blachford family before buying it in 1845. As it was too small for them Albert commissioned the master builder and developer, Thomas Cubitt to advise him.

Work on a new house began in 1846, the old house was demolished in 1848 and the new Osborne House's main wing was completed in 1851.

Prince Albert died of typhoid in 1861 and Victoria never really recovered from his death. She was to die at Osborne in 1901.

Neither Edward VII nor any other royal family member wanted the upkeep of the house and estate so , in 1902, he gave Osborne to the nation.

The house and Victoria and Albert's private rooms were sealed on Edward's orders but have been open to the public, with Queen Elizabeth's permission, since 1954.

English Heritage became responsible for management of Osborne in 1986. Since then other parts have accessible to the public as well, including the beach where Victoria used to bathe.

{ The majority of this post has been sourced from English Heritage's Osborne site.}

Monday 17 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - N

N - Normanby Hall

This is a house that provides a link, for me, with Lincolnshire hockey, a steelworks, Buckingham Palace and a Prime Minister's wife.

In 1960 I started work at Richard Thomas & Baldwins Redbourn Works in Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire; other works in the town were run by Appleby Frodingham and Lysaghts. The Lysaghts plant was called the Normanby Park steelworks.

I played hockey for Redbourn against App-Frod and the team from Normanby Park whose pitch was located in the estate surrounding Normanby Hall.

Normanby Hall
(12 August 2006 - by E Asterion u talking to me - CC BY-SA 2.5)
This classic English mansion is 5 miles north of Scunthorpe and was built between 1825 and 1830 for Sir Robert Sheffield whose family titles include the Duke of Buckingham.

John Sheffield who had become Duke of Buckingham and Normanby in 1703 built the fine Buckingham House in London - Buckingham Palace as we know it today.

Samantha, the daughter of Sir Reginald Sheffield the 8th Baronet is the wife of the recent ex-Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Sunday 16 April 2017

Easter - Sunday Stamps II

I looked for an Easter bunny but found this stamp from 1997 instead.

Great Britain
In 2009 my article in the magazine Ireland's Own entitled 'Mad as a March Hare' include a paragraph which read -

"Our name for Easter may be derived from a goddess associated with spring called Eastre. The date of Easter is tied to the moon, and the hare has strong lunar associations, with hare hunting being a common activity in England." 

Now that's probably illegal.

However I have discovered a rabbit on a set of pet stamps from the USA.

USA - Pets 2015
It may be Easter but I'm spending my time decorating. For those wanting to see more Easter of favourite stamps just check out the links at Sunday-stamps-ii-122.html

Saturday 15 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'M'

M - Menabilly

Menabilly, The Seat of Rashleigh, Esq. Cornwall
(Antique print - in public domain)
I first went to Fowey in Cornwall in 2007. By chance our visit coincided with the Daphne du Maurier Festival celebrating her centenary.

The opening of Rebecca, possibly Daphne's most famous novel begins - 

"Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive, and for a while I could not enter, for the way was barred to me. There was a padlock and chain upon the gate. I called in my dream to the lodge keeper, and had no answer, and peering closer through the rusted spokes of the gate I saw that the lodge was uninhabited."

That opening introduced Manderley, a forbidding house with an equally forbidding, black-clad Mrs Danvers as its housekeeper. The fictional Manderley was modelled on Milton House, near Peterborough the ancestral home of the Fitzwilliam family and the house and gardens of the Cornish Menabilly. 

Menabilly House, Fowey, Cornwall
(Created Jan 1, 1920 - in public domain)

Belonging to the Rashleigh family, Menabilly, became the home for Daphne and her husband from 1943 to 1969, its history and grounds also provided input to novels later than Rebecca.

The first novel she wrote at Menabilly was The King's General. Set during the English Civil war, it was prompted by the discovery, during alterations to Menabilly in the 1820s, of a walled-up skeleton thought to have been a Cavalier. It tells the story of the love between Richard Grenville, The King's General and Royalist Honor Harris, one of du Maurier's strongest heroines.

in 1969 the year she was made a DBE, the Rashleighs wanted to return to Menabilly; despite all the money she had spent on its restoration Daphne was forced to accept a move to its dower house, Kilmarth, where she was to live until her death.

Friday 14 April 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'L'

L - Lyme Hall

South face of Lyme Park House
(By Julie Anne Workman, 29 September 2013 - CC BY_SA
Lyme Hall in Cheshire was originally a hunting lodge. A house was built there in Tudor time which was turned into an Italiante palace in the early 18th Century.

Once the home of the Legh family it has become 'Pemberley' in the BBC's production of Pride and Prejudice'.

It is now managed by the National Trust,

In this 200th anniversary year of the death of Jane Austen, Lyme turns back the clock to the Regency era, where you can uncover the fascinating story of Thomas Legh, Lyme's very own Regency Indiana Jones.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Orange - Thematic Photography

This has proved quite a challenge as a number of shots of orange flowers turned to yellow instead. What I have left is :

Berberis in our garden
Pansy - petals more orange than yellow
Litter louts leave lots of orange about.

Orange peel that will decompose
Orange drink bottle
Orange drink carton
Time to put a stop to it.
Time for me to tackle our fruit bowl.

As long as I pick the real fruit
For more orange items but hopefully not Agent Orange visit Carmi at thematic-photographic-408-orange.html

A-Z Challenge 2017 - Houses, some real, some not - 'K'

K - Ketton Hall

This is a location with which I was once very familiar.

Gateway to Ketton Hall
( © Copyright Alan Murray-Rust , licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence)

As a boy in the Rutland village of Ketton I walked alongside the wall many times and with other lads threw sticks to knock down conkers from the horse chestnut trees that grew along its length. I'll even admit to being given a 'bunk-up' to climb over it. 

Later I walked to the gate at the far right end of the wall, then the entrance to Ketton Cricket Club. More recently it became the way in to a green burial site.

During WWII the Hall was the home of Air Marshal Sir John Baldwin, Acting Commander-in-Chief of Bomber Command (1942) and Air Officer Commanding Tactical Air Force (Burma), (1943-1944).

Lady Baldwin, a member of the York Terry's confectionery family, would stop and talk to me (as a five year old) when she passed the wooden gate to my home. I never lived down telling her that my oldest brother had gone to war to stick a bayonet up Hitler's arse!

As for Ketton Hall, it was recently on the market for £2.5 million.