
Tuesday 29 November 2016

Repetitive - Thematic Photography

What is the repetitive issue associated with my photos this week?

Fire station
Vent manifold
Studded footpath
If you are visually impaired the studs warn  you , through your shoes, that you are approaching a road and that you need to ensure you cross safely.

By now you should have seen the issue connecting my repetitive photos.

For more repetitive approaches visit the links at Carmi's thematic-photographic-391.

Sunday 27 November 2016

20th Century Inventions - Sunday Stamps II

This theme proved much harder than I expected, in fact I nearly failed. It was only admiring someone's dog that reminded me of - 

Great Britain - 5 September 1989
Now there are chips in everything.

For more inventive posts check out Sunday-Stamps-II-102.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Out For A Walk - Thematic Photography

So many of my posts on Thematic Photography are taken on my daily walk to collect a newspaper; this week's theme is no different.

Except, that is, the last 24 hours have been wet (it's raining still) and at times very windy. No surprise then that our front garden is covered by debris from the sycamore trees that grow on either side of us.

Leaves on the grass

Although it was still raining as I went up the road, my spirits were lifted by the sight of - 

Charlie, a Yorkshire terrier, is always in a hurry and he does not like the wet. It's even more poignant because he's blind - not that stops him sprinting along on the lead.

Max, the golden labrador, is always delighted to be out, especially when he can wear - 

His glamorous red coat
My walk is not without its hazards with a three-inch deep puddle just where I want to cross.

The rain still falls
I'm glad that this not our drive.

On a miserable day like this sometimes it is difficult to see -

The trees for the wood
All in all it's a day when corners of fields are ideal for ducks.

When I get home there will be work for me, removing -

More sycamore leaves
I just hope that others you can find at Carmi;s Thematic-photographic-390. have had a drier time.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Children - Sunday Stamps II

Dating old stamps is proving a bit of a minefield but it came up trumps for today's theme of 'Children.'

These two stamps from Mexico were issued between 1929 and 1934 but I have been unable to track down exactly when.

Mexico - Haga Patria
Haga Patria may be translated as "Be a Patriot" - Proteja a la infancia hardly needs explaining. I suppose we would say 'save the children' today.

I started work in Norway in 1979 and spent 30 kroner on a presentation folder of the stamps issued that year. It included these two of the issue of 26th April for the International Year of the Child.

This shows a painting by Mathias Stoltenberg. 

The second stamp is a painting of a little boy named James Collett by the German born, Norwegian painter Heinrich Christian Friedrich Hosenfelder.

The boy was a member of the Collett family who were timber merchants in Norway at the time - the painting dates from 1791/92.

For more children related stamps, check out the links at Sunday-Stamps-II-101.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Drink Up - Thematic Photography

This days I'm not permitted to raid our drinks cupboard.

And I draw the line at being told to drink up

Skimmed milk
unless it's in coffee or tea.

I wish that those who have drunk up would at least take their litter home with them.

I'm pleased to say however, that this Christmas I shall enjoy the company of at least this

Old Soak
To see what and what others have had to drink up visit the links on the comments at Carmi's thematic-photographic-389.

Sunday 13 November 2016

War or Peace - Sunday Stamps II

War or Peace is a topic that is always appropriate at this time of year. WWI was the war to end all wars and as we know, it didn't.

On 21 June this year the UK Post Office issued a set commemorating the so called 'Great War.' They also a mini-sheet at the same time.

For other wars or peaceful scenes please visit the links at Sunday-Stamps-II-100.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Abstract - Thematic Photography

Not an easy topic to follow, especially after Carmi's superb prompt.

However here is something we came across last week.

What's more it tasted good when cooked.

It started out like this,

with some colourful carrots.

Do you know what it is?

For more abstract items check out the links at Carmi's Thematic-Photographic-388.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Fireworks or Night Views - Sunday Stamps II

Last night was Guy Fawkes night and fireworks were still being let off till nearly 11 pm - not much cause for us to - 

USA -25 November 2011
Night views were even more difficult for me to find so I had to settle for these.

USA - 2008
They show the Flag at Midnight and the Flag at Dusk.

Maintaining the USA theme this week I met Washington Irving's headless horseman from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

USA - October 1974
It's a while since I read the book but I have to assume that the horseman is shown against the moon.

For more fireworks or night views to moon over visit the links at Sunday-Stamps-II-99.