Alan's picture this week opens up all sorts of possibilities but it was the young man on the right that got me started.
Launceston Elliott |
Launceston Elliott, a Scotsman, was Britain's first Olympic Gold Medallist - he won his medal for the one-handed lift in the games at Athens in 1896.
It was the fish on sale that caught my eye so I went to find a few.
Bull Red Fish measuring 36" |
Caught in Galveston Bay from Texas City Dike on May 2, 2011
(By Hvn - Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 licence)
Before you tell me this fish is not on the shop's list, let's have a roll on the drums.
Red Drum aka red fish, channel bass or spot-tail bass |
Caught off the Gulf Coast of Louisiana. Mature red drum not a red bull, the name given to red drum larger than 26" (By Geeklikepi - Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 licence)
If you've never thought of a buffalo as a fish, you would be wrong.
Bigmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) |
(ex USFWS National Image Library)
Not all fishermen tell tales about the big ones they've caught,
A 'Tiddler' |
But just to prove I didn't waste my time completely.
My 'Prize' Catfish |
The earth moved when I hooked that fellow. However it wasn't F M Pointer who moved this.
The House that Moved, Exeter |
A c14 house restored and removed to its present position on West Limk
ex - By Derek Harper -
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 generic licence
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