
Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Cloudspotting -Thematic Photography

I looked out of my office window when I saw Carmi's cloudspotting theme and, of course, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. However I have managed to find a few photos containing clouds and as usual some are there by accident; in others the clouds 'make' the shot.

Cloudy Horizon - Traverse City, Michigan
Norwegian Fjord in Autumn
Air Monaco Helicopter coming in to land at Nice Airport
Just two clouds for company - good visibility all round.

Majorca - early morning clouds
Back home in England large clouds dwarf the bridges at Yarm.

Yarm Bridge and Viaduct (behind) from the Teesdale Way
From Saltholme Nature Reserve there is a good view of the Transporter Bridge under a cloudy sky/

Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge
And a close up with the clouds above.

Looking up
You can't have failed to spot the clouds.

The clouds cannot be reached this way.

Firefighters practising with a Simon Snorkel Ladder
The English county of Cornwall is also known as the Land of the Saints or Cornubia.

Cornubia - painted by John Miller
This picture hangs in Truro Cathedral. It was painted to celebrate the centenary of the Cathedral in 1980. I am glad the clouds did not block out the light.

Now it's time for you to follow the Rolling Stones' advice ( ) and cross over to other cloud spotters at Thematic-photographic-252.


Jo said...

Not been too many clouds round here the last couple of days. Like your pictures of clouds. Love the Norwegian one.

Max Sartin said...

Cool pictures. I especially like the boats and the firefighters.

Michèle et Jean-Claude said...

Great photos and you have the same music taste as my brother, no me I am afraid.

Alexia said...

All your great shots are enhanced by the clouds, Bob. Special thanks for showing us the painting- it's lovely. I would really like to see the original.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Why a duck?

(Couldn't resist.)

Very nice pics, Bob.

carmilevy said...

You have the gift of locating scenes of staggering beauty, near and far, and then shooting them with serious grace.

Keep on keeping on: I love your vision, clouds and all.

aw said...

Clouds add so much interest to these images, Bob. A blue sky is all very well but lacks character by comparison. I note storm clouds were not allowed to spoil the party.