
Friday 23 April 2021

A-Z Challenge 2021 - Photo Shoot: T - Transporter Bridge, Tees Barrage, Temenos, Turkey

 The iconic symbol of Middlesbrough can be seen from a long way away.

Transporter Bridge (from Saltholme Nature Reserve)

But in these days of public art it supposedly has a competitor.

Temenos (by Anish Kapoor)

I know which one I prefer.
Another feature of the River Tees is the barrage that now controls the river, rendering tideless upstream.

Tees Barrage controls the water released seawards

Down stream with the river in full flow

Somehow I wouldn't describe any of these structures as  - 

A turkey

1 comment:

Anne M Bray said...

Oooooh! The transporter bridge!

U is for Unfinished:

The U shoe: