
Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Muted Colours - Thematic Photography

I'm not sure I have got the hang of this week's muted colours theme, but here's four shots that did not turn out as I expected.

Fowey Hall Hotel, Cornwall
The day was not as dull as it appears and the colours are not what I expected.

In my next shot the shade taking up half the shot gave a different look.

Nyhaven, Copenhagen
With a much older camera in the late 1950s there is a different look entirely.

St Rules Tower, St Andrews, Scotland
Shooting on a foggy day definitely mutes the colours.

Repairs to Teesside Flyover, Middlesbrough
For other muted contributions check the links at Carmi's /thematic-photographic-258.


Susan Kane said...

How different each photo changes as light is added or taken away!

Marc Latham said...

Nice, and thanks for sound advice. Like the flyover best; nice sky blue colour like an extension of sky.

photodoug said...

Interesting contrast in the Copenhagen photo.

Jo said...

Fascinating exercise in photography. The colours look muted to me.

Michèle et Jean-Claude said...

Great interpretation of the theme. I especially like the photo of St. Rule's Tower. It saddens the heart.

Unknown said...

Middlesborough, poor old place, will it ever recover from those industrial scars...

Alexia said...

I think you've "got the hang" of it very well, Bob. The misty atmosphere in the last one is really lovely.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I like shooting in the fog.

That tower is very cool!

Anonymous said...

Nice selections, Bob!

Anonymous said...

Nice selections, Bob!