
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

I Didn't Shoot It - Thematic Photography

Carmi has asked us this week to show photos we didn't take ourselves. The only way I can be absolute sure of that is to show pictures in which I appear myself.

However I'm not the important one in the shots I have chosen to show - one of which you have seen before.

Cody waiting in the hope of a taste 
A second shot from a different angle shows him (in 2010) still waiting patiently - he would never beg.

Cody in a favourite position.
This is a position he will never take up again, but one in which I will remember him for ever.

Cody, my daughter's dog died, in his sixteenth year on Sunday 18 August when his loyal heart finally gave out. 

Cody starred in many thematic photographic posts of mine where I took the shots. For more shots not taken by others please cross over to Thematic-photographic-257.


Michèle et Jean-Claude said...

Dear Bob,

Please accept my condolences for you and your daughter. A dog is quickly part of the family when we bring him or her into the home. It is hard when we lose one.

Alexia said...

Sad news, Bob. What a loyal and faithful friend he has been.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bob, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. The death of a pet is heartbreaking. Our furry family members have special places in our hearts. I'm glad you have such lovely shots of Cody to remember him by.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Bob - lovely photos and I can see why you treasure them ..

I am so sorry to hear about Cody - he obviously was one absolutely delightfully devoted friend to the family ..

My thoughts - losing animals is always 'desperate' .. I'm just glad he had such a good long life ...


Gilly said...

Oh Bob, I am so sorry about Cody. It is heartbreaking when such a faithful loving dog dies. She was a truly beautiful dog - and I hope she got that biscuit!

Great shots for Carmi's theme - and for you to remember her by.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

I am so sorry for your family's loss!. I have to admit this is a first pic I have seen of Cody... I bet he brought a lot of laughs as well as love... dogs are selfless and loyal...

21 Wits said...

So very sad to read, and something that sadly has happened for me this last week with my beloved Lady who nearly made her 15th birthday.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It's such a shame that our pets don't live as long as we do. Sorry to hear about Cody, Bob. He looks like a great dog.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Truly sorry for your loss...

ScotSue said...

Your photograph and sad story struck such a chord. We have lost three dogs (cocker spaniels) over 30 years and it leaves such a massive gap in family. The photograph of begrudging you every lick of ice-cream is so typical.

Bob Scotney said...

Thanks for all the kind messages. I have made sure that my daughter has seen them.
We go to dog sit next week. It will be strange without Cody at my knee.