
Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Repetitious - Thematic Photography.

I knew exactly which one of my photos I would choose for Carmi's repetitious theme. However as you have seen it before I'll save it till later and show some I took today.

Sedum Heads
Although it is still summer Yarm School is setting up its playing field for winter games and provided me with an H or two, or - well you count them.

Rugby Posts
I though I would also show the photo from a different 'angle'.

Later this month it will be up to me to respond to the demand - 

Finally the one you've seen before, but which I thought worth repeating.

Black-backed Gulls on Tresco
For other repetitious interpretations cross over to Thematic-photographic-255.


Unknown said...

Loved the dogs, my husband's favourites, Bob, and now you've solved something for me. My Atlanta friend is constantly on about planting Sedum in her garden, always wondered. Now I know, we have it in our garden, too. know very few of the names...

La Crona said...

Brilliant of you to turn the H-Card upside down.The sky become like the "ground"!

Marc Latham said...

Nice varied photos Bob, dogs are cool, and thought rugby posts looked more Hy upside down too.

Jo said...

Love the gulls.

Max Sartin said...

Repeats in nature, beautiful take on the theme.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures! I think my favourite is the pups - too cute!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Sedum flowers are my favorite!... then again, pups are as well!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Sedum heads! That's what I was trying to take picture of yesterday. (Actually, it was the bees on them...)

Nice pics, Bob!

Gilly said...

Love the sedum heads! Mine are beginning to flop around! And the other shots are great, especially the gulls!

21 Wits said...

Bob, you certainly brightened up my morning! I just adore those puppies, and the reflection shot even better than the real photo...of course the opening has me catching a repeated scent of beautiful blossoms!

Alexia said...

Oh those pups - such gorgeous dogs. I love the gulls too, Bob. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Bob .. love your idea here - fun to see ... and flower heads are just great ..

PS I'm in Durham next week - literally dashing in to see the Lindisfarne Chronicles .. should be very interesting ..

Cheers from a sunny warm Eastbourne! Hilary