My A-Z posts this year
are based on my garden – flowers, animals, the birds and the bees, butterflies
- with a bit of poetry thrown in. For some letters I am expecting to cheat
somewhat – wishing they were here.
I – Ilex, Ivy, Iris, Impatiens
The holly and the
ivy, now are both well grown,
Of all the trees that
are in the wood, the holly bears the crown.
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Holly Bush |
I feel quite justified in including holly under ‘I’ as the
Latin name for it is Ilex. Our garden holly bush is well manicured but the
blackbirds have left a berry or two – you just have to look hard enough.
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Holly Berry |
We can’t claim to have an ivy hedge like this:
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Ivy Hedge |
This is the best we can manage growing from next door.
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Ivy 'Hedge' |
Blue Tits (see B) using this nesting box will be happier when
the ivy surrounding it grows to provide a bit more cover.
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Nesting Box |
We have a few blue irises in the garden.
Blue Irises |
But we had to go to Cornwall
to find some yellow ones.
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Yellow Iris - Cornwall |
Impatiens glandulifera is a grand sounding name but it masks
an invasive species imported to the UK.
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Indian (Himalayan) Balsam |
Fortunately we have none in the garden. It has however
started to swamp some local woods,
These are the impatiens we prefer to see,
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Busy Lizzies (Impatiens) |
These annual plants are available in many colours and bloom non-stop until the autumn. There is no need to get impatient with them.
- The Holly and the Ivy – English traditional Christmas Carol
Photo attribution:
- Ivy Hedge - Public Domain Images
- Busy Lizzies – Andrew Fogg; CC BY 2.0.
Just a note to visitors to this post and my blog in general.
I am suffering from a bout of shingles so there may be a delay before your comments appear. Also I shall be responding more slowly and not returning visits so regularly. Thanks for your understanding.
Bob, sorry to hear you are indisposed and wish you a speedy recovery.
You have made some excellent choices once again with some lovely photos. That Himalayan Balsalm looks so attractive. We first saw it along the canal near Neath is South Wales a few years back and it looked lovely alongside the native plants but on a more recent visit they were having to cull it to avoid native species being swamped.
As ever some lovely photographs, My commiserations on your shingles - I had a bad attack some years ago and know what it can be like. Here's hoping recovery will not take too long.
So sorry to hear about your Shingles Bob, hope the docs have it under control. Hubby of another blogging friend had it and seems not to have suffered too badly. Best wishes to you.
Didn't know Impatiens and Busy Lizzy was related.
Love the pictures. Used to live in a Queen Anne house which was once covered in ivy, but they pulled it down as it wasn't doing the brick work any good.
Oh dear, I am sorry to hear about that, hope you are feeling better quickly! I sure know your lovely garden and wonderful plants can brighten your day! How lovely they all are!
I hope you get better soon, bob. I had a significant other who suffered from shingles...such a painful malady.
I love that Indian Balsam...we have something similar here that grows in the swampy places, and brightens up same.
I feel for you!.. My grandmother had a case of shingles and she was not a happy camper... That Indian Balsam is one shrub I have never seen before.. Cool looking flower...
Lovely. We have yellow irises in our yard, though not quite that color. I guess those impatiences are impatient to be all over the place.
Love the pictures--such a contrast to the desert where I live (near the Grand Canyon).
I'm sorry to hear about the shingles. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
We have holly and ivy in the yard. both untamed, unfortunately. I tried to grow impatients but they didn't seem to like the heat. They didn't come to life until fall.
The "I's" have it!
Kathy M.
AHHH...memories of summer. Can't wait...
I haven't had shingles in years, but remember that it was very painful. Get better soon.
Dropping by from A to Z. This is my first year participating.
Brett Minor
Transformed Nonconformist
Sorry to hear about the shingles! Hope they clear up soon.
Your garden looks really lush and nice!
Oh That's Better Bob! Nice To See Some Colour Now That Snowwhite has gone!
I'm sorry to hear about your shingles-painful. Your pictures are lovely.
Great shots! Loved that Busy Lizzie - cheered me up no end!
And you have ALL my sympathy regarding your shingles. I suffered from them some time ago, but I can still remember the hell they were.
Those hedges bring me such peace, Bob. Wonderfully captured.
Wanted to send you quick-and-full-recovery wishes. My dad had shingles, and I remember precisely what it was like for him. May you only feel comfort from this point forward.
Thanks to everyone for your kind wishes; I am slowly improving and getting back to normal.
I could have done without my computer going belly-up as well. I have had 2 new ones in 11 days - my old one and the first new one both died!
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