
Friday, 18 April 2014

A-Z Challenge 2014 - 'P'

P - Parson Jack Russell Terrier, Pippa, Pug

We have already seen a Jack Russell Terrier under 'J'. The feisty, energetic Parson Jack Russell is its recognised show variety. It was this man 

Parson Jack Russell, 1795- 1883
who bred the dogs named after him. The only Parson Jack Russell that I've met was a Parson Jack Russell crossed with a Border Terrier.

Ozzy - a Parson Jack Russell/Border Terrier cross
He wasn't at all interested in meeting me; he wanted to be off chasing the squirrels he could see.

With Pippa it's a different story, she strains at the leash to reach me. To look at her in this photo you would think that butter would not melt in her mouth.

Pippa - a Cockerpoo
Pippa featured in my North Yorkshire Dogs series here along with her playmates, Poppy the Westie and Morse, the black Labrador with the tongue.

Poppy, Pippa and Morse
When I meet Betty I always feel she has her beady eyes on me.

Betty - a Pug, toy dog
Pugs were known in ancient China and as you can see they have a definite personality despite their small size.

Novices wishing to become members of the Mops-Orden or Order of the Pug (a one-time Roman Catholic ladies para-masonic society) had to kiss a Pug's backside under its tail as part of their initiation ceremony. As members they carried a silver Pug medallion.

Perhaps I should add that that Pug's backside was made of porcelain!



Wendy said...

Is there any dog busier than a Jack Russell??? They make me tired just watching them.
Visiting from A to Z ~
Wendy at Jollett Etc.
PS -- I forgot that you do AtoZ or I would have been around sooner!

Julie Flanders said...

I didn't know there were different kinds of Jack Russells. Interesting.
I have a pug named Missy who lives next door to me and I get such a kick out of her. She always gives me the same look this pug has here. The three amigos on the bench are absolutely adorable.

Bish Denham said...

I knew a pug when I was a kid. His name was Barfington Von Woof. He was a hoot!

Lisa said...

Thanks for letting us know the bottom they had to kiss was porcelain! Ugh! I love Pippa, the cockerpoo! and Poppy the Westie! Never heard of that bread...

Lisa said...

I love the way Pug's tales curl over their backs. I just looked up the Westie dog and it is ADORABLE!!!!

Jo said...

I thought you meant a real backside, I was about to barf. I love Westies in particular and the Jack Russell, never heard of the Parson Jack Russell though.

Bonnie Gwyn said...

Oh, porcelain! Phew. Haha :) So much cuteness!
Where Legends Begin

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Bob .. love the pug story ... and Parson Jack Russell .. interesting story - Ozzy does look a little hairy scary!

Fun dogs to see them all .. cheers Hilary