
Sunday, 2 August 2020

Sunday Stamps - Food: USA

In 1999 a series of 4 stamps was issued on one sheet. Each one showed a different berry.

USA - 10 April 1999 - Blueberries



I thought I had all 4 until I scanned the last.


The date gave the game away - this was issued with the set the following year on 15th March.

For other types of food check the links you will find at Sunday Stamps - Neeps


violet s said...

They all look so plump and juicy!
I really wish I wasn't allergic to strawberries.

Mail Adventures said...

These are neat designs. We coincided in posting fruits today!

FinnBadger said...

I always thought this series was bright and colorful. I wish the new definitive fruit series was a bit more like this.

Joy said...

A nice set and celebration of the fruit season.