
Sunday, 23 February 2020

Sunday Stamps - Green: USA Canada, San Marino

I can resist posting this link for the colour green from 2016 as it shows the theme of Going Green

I can add to this three further stamps which are green in colour to some extent.

USA - 26 July 1945
Roosevelt and Hyde Park
Canada - 8 March 1979
San Marino - 21 September 1963
This pole vaulter commemorated the Olympic Games to be held in Tokyo in 1964.

For more green related issues follow the links at Sunday Stamps


violet s said...

Hyde Park looks like a lovely house to be born in (and live in!)

FinnBadger said...

Great greens today. Love the pole vaulter.

Mail Adventures said...

So different shades of green on interesting stamps.

Joy said...

The pole vaulter really pops out of that stamp colour.