
Sunday 2 June 2019

Sunday Stamps 'O4' USA, Great Britain

We had an athletic meeting from Stockholm on TV yesterday. This reminded me of the one time holder of six world records from the USA.

Owens name has become iconic as a result of his exploits in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.

The stamp comes from the Celebrate the Century series for the 1930s.

From Great Britain I have chosen an Ox-Eye Daisy from 1967.

As a boy in the 1940s I used to walk and fish in the River Chater in the village of Ketton in Rutland. In those days I could follow otter hounds as they went hunting along the river. I'm pleased to say that they never found any.

To say 'O' to other stamps please visit Sunday-stamps-o. 


Ana said...

I dont know if it is just me, but I cannot see any of the images here, they all have that 'stop' traffic symbol...just in grey :)

Joy said...

Your images aren't showing up, just a symbol like a do not enter sign. I can imagine the GB stamps from the description:)

Mail Adventures said...

I'm not sure why, but I cannot see the pictures on this post (?!). I have tried with different browsers.

Bob Scotney said...

Looks OK to me using Chrome Browser

Bob Scotney said...

But not when I use Safari!!

Mail Adventures said...

Now I can see them (using Opera browser; the one I usually do - ?!), I'm very pleased with the nature stamps, and Jesse Owens'. I like the great sense of movement on that image.