
Friday, 13 April 2012

Later Flight - Sepia Saturday

I couldn't resist putting up a second flight when Little Nell had Albert Ball VC in her post.

A Hero's Salute - Andrew Mynarski VC
The statue of Andrew Mynarski VC stands outside the former Officers' Mess of RAF Middleton St George, now the Durham Tees Valley Airport. I've written about how this Canadian officer won his posthumous VC during WWII here.

There are several planes in flight in my brothers war photos.

WWII Action
Meanwhile Eden Camp in North Yorkshire has replica planes on show.

Eden Camp - entrance

No matter how we try we still can't match what is strictly for the birds.

Turkey Vulture
In flight we are nowhere near as elegant.

Just don't miss Sepia Saturday 121


21 Wits said...

I'm flying away again on your cool airplane themed (especially your first photo)Sepia post! I too will post later.....! It's just Friday today....and Friday the 13th here!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Ha! You caught me by surprise with at that bear one! Thanks for making me laugh this morning.

Kathy M.

Little Nell said...

I’m glad you followed on from my Albert Memorial with this one Bob. That story is wonderful (though I can’t say like the statue), and how fitting that the memorial to Bomber Command is NOW at last being built and will be unveiled in June - about time! Read more here and make a contribution for its upkeep in perpetuity here.

Nancy Thompson said...

Love the article. And whoa! That bear with the golfers?! Scary!!

New follower here, via the A to Z.

Christine H. said...

That last one was a great surprise. Actually, so was the one of the turkey vulture. I've never thought of them as beautiful birds, but in flight they really are!

North County Film Club said...

I wonder about whoever snapped that photo of the two planes in flight. Pretty amazing.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That last pic is too funny- and no, we will never be able to compete with birds in flight.

Wendy said...

The picture of planes in flight -- wow upon wow. If this were an action movie, somebody would be jumping from wing to wing.

tony said...

You Know Bob,I Have Yet To Visit Eden...I Really Must!

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

Eden Camp looks not unlike the battle of Britain Memorial I visited recently, in so far as they have planes on display.

Love the golfers making a hasty departure. What happened to the photographer, I wonder?

Alan Burnett said...

Posts that build on posts, comments that add value, knowledge shared - all the things that make group blogging a delight.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Don't they say one shouldn't run away when coming face to face with a bear, but instead, stand your ground nad make loud noises?!


Linda@VS said...

Loved your different interpretations of flight. The bear pic is funny, and the photo of the planes in flight is spectacular.