
Sunday, 12 August 2012

Animals of Great Britain - Sunday Stamps

As soon as I saw the animal theme for this week I knew exactly what to post.

British Wildlife
These stamps were issued on 5 October 1977. From left to right they are:

  • Hedgehog
  • Hare
  • Squirrel
  • Otter
  • Badger
I haven't seen an otter for years in the wild and unfortunately its only the grey squirrel and the hedgehog that visit our garden, Hares frequent the fields in the neighbourhood but you have to travel some way to find a badgers' sett.

For other animal issues check out those at Sunday-stamps-83


Alan Burnett said...

It is easy to forget the beauty of stamps, thanks for reminding me.

viridian said...

No hedgehogs in our garden or yard. We do see rabbits which drives my husband crazy. they dig in the grass and leave little "presents."

Thank you for participating.

Helen said...

These are lovely stamps. They make me think of Wind in the Willows!

L. D. said...

These are cool stamps. The otter does well in Iowa. I enjoy seeing them at the zoo with all their antics.

Little Nell said...

Lovely, and my favourite - the hedgehog.

Jo said...

We have black squirrels in Ontario. They are supposed to be an offshoot of the grey. I love those stamps celebrating British wildlife although most of us will never see the animals depicted.