Major |
Major belonged to my wife's sister, but was looked after by her parents. We have never owned a dog ourselves but our younger son and our daughter have made up for this. My son has had three Irish Water Spaniels over the years, two of them at the same time.
Milly and Cara |
You may read about Milly and Cara here
Sam and Maxie were my daughter's first two Golden Labradors who became known as the Dogs of Troy.
Sam and Maxie are the stars
The pictures in the video also appear with a commentary at this post.
Later they became part of the gang of four known as the Deer Trail Hounds.
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Gem, Sam, Jack and Maxie. |
Gem is still alive; Sam suddenly went blind when he was 10 but survived another two years; Jack was known as the brown bomber because of the havoc he could cause while Maxie found fame as the Trash Queen in Dogs Today.
Gem now has to share the house and grounds with three Retrievers - Lily, Scout and Cody. Lily is the youngest and always in trouble but will run for miles after a tennis ball. Scout spoils the games by hiding the balls and has earned the title of Scouty-Two-Ball, which is strange because he hasn't any, as he can run with two in his mouth at once.
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Lily and Scout in water; Cody and Gem on land |
But Alan's prompt was, let me remind you, man and dog,
So here's one of me.
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Cody - more in hope, than expectation. |
For more shaggy dog stories you need to check out others at sepia-saturday-111
You wouldn't think dogs would like ice cream, but they do! Thanks for sharing.
Lots of dogs here. When I was about 5 years old, I wanted a cocker spaniel. I never got a dog until I left home and none were cocker spaniels.
A lot of great memories of man, or woman's best friend. Some great dogs to view.
Such a lovely post! As far back as I can remember: Tyke, Shilo, Chiquita, Fluffy, Jacques, Half Hitch, Neutron, Bear, Little Girl, Buster, Tuffy, and Koko. My granddogs: Nina, Delgado and Chance. And just because we had him for 19 years, Fritz the cat!
I like your family's dogs -- I'm always drawn to breeds that really work for a living! And I just have to say, "Flick" is a GREAT name for a Whippet.
Delightful! I got a kick out of all their name and nicknames. I can tell that they are kids and grandkids in doggie bodies.
Thanks for sharing these pictures with us, Bob.
Have a great weekend,
Kathy M.
Nice pictures! Young Milly looks like a sheep to me (but then I don't know much about dogs).
Our dog Beau got to lick the empty ice cream container when we had ice cream.
Cute dogs! My daughter begged and begged for a dog. We finally gave in and got a German Shepherd about a year ago. She loves him to pieces!
The last one is the best. What a riot! I knew you would have lots to post for this one and you didn't disappoint!
...and here I thought only our dogs begged for ice cream cones! I just love the group of pals on the porch...what a photo to write about...very cute. As are all the other dogs...funny you never really had your own, but really your children's dogs usually end up being with you a lot too right? At least at my house, I do all the dog sitting when they go places.....plenty of room for them!
I can never resist a picture of a dog. We didn't get our first dog until 10 years ago and before that we had never had dogs in our lives. But now we are hooked, we wouldn't be without one around the house.
Sam & Maxie. I am curious, why were they called the dogs of Troy?
Great its like a dogs through the seasons. I love the picture on the porch, I can imagine them all being told to sit, and Sam ignoring that command.
@ Karen; they are already asking when we will visit Michigan this year. They think we go just to play and dog-sit.
@ Colleen; For the first two years of their life they lived at Troy in Michigan.
@ Joy; Jack was always the problem when getting them to sit. We sent them the photo of Major to show themwhat was wanted.
What great dog pictures - like them all but particularly the labradors as I have owned two myself. They are great dogs.
I always love photos of the non-human members of the family.
Dee at Shakin' the Family Tree
We always had dogs when I was young, and my sister did have water spaniels, but I could never produce an array like this!
@ Kat; the video seemsto have gone AWOL.
Sorry Folks, cant fix it.
Major looks a lot like my dog "Tar Baby". And is that a "drumstick" you're eating? I'd sit up and beg for a 'drum stick". My favorite ice cream ! Barbara
Dogs provide such loyal friendship, that we sometimes remember them better than our human friends and relations. Good dogs indeed.
In the brief time that I've tried to compose a comment here, I've had to stop three times: once to let my blind dog, Butch, go outside, once to let him come back in almost immediately because he only went out in the first place to see if I'd give him a treat when he came back in, and once to move a bookcase because Levi was scratching at it in a desperate attempt to get at the tennis ball he'd lost behind it. Having seen the great photos of the dogs in your life, I know you can relate. All the same, aren't they wonderful?
Lovely photos, Bob - just goes to show how much our animals are part of the family. Jo (
Pets should be mandatory. When the right breed is chosen according to your own personality and lifestyle, they make for fine friends. I love my cats!! (he said, on a post about dogs...)
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