
Sunday 21 June 2020

Sunday Stamps - Father Figure: New Zealand

This proved a difficult theme to match until I found the 1946 Peace Issue from New Zealand.

New Zealand - 1 April 1946

King George VI and his family under the banner "IN PEACE, LONG MAY THEY REIGN."

By 1953 the father figure's daughter was Queen and she remains our longest serving monarch.

For other fathers follow the links at Father Figures on Sunday Stamps


Mail Adventures said...

Nice scene and stamp.

violet s said...

Oh, this is a nice one. I don't think I've seen a stamp with all four on it.
I managed to get the old blogger back, not sure how. I may have used firefox as safari doesn't show everything on my computer

violet s said...

right, so I couldn't get on wordpress to comment?

Joy said...

That is the perfect stamp for the theme.

FinnBadger said...

A very nice family portrait on a classic stamp.

viridian said...

Great stamp. I am not having problems with blogger (yet). should I be concerned?