
Sunday, 10 March 2019

Sunday Stamps C4 - Great Britain via Concorde to the USA

Fifty years ago last weekend saw the first flight of - 

Great Britain - 3 March 1969
First flight of Concorde
This set consisted of three beautifully designed stamps. a true tribute to this magnificent plane.

Fuselage and plan view

Nose and tail
Concorde's first commercial flight was on 26 January 1976. London to New York was first flown on 22 November 1977. It had the fastest Atlantic crossing of 2 hrs 52 mins 59 seconds on 7 February 1996. The last NY to London crossing was on 24 October 2003.

Prior to the existence of Concorde, 1958 had seen the centenary of completion of the cable across the Atlantic - commemorated by this stamp -

USA - 15 August 1958
That's Neptune and a Mermaid on either side of the globe.

I guess that the cable had handled more traffic before Concorde even flew.

For other 'C' stamps take a look at


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Bob - certainly iconic stamps ... love to think back on those days ... and yes 100 years of that cable ... cheers Hilary

FinnBadger said...

I'm still sad that concorde no longer flies. Great stamps.

Joy said...

I've enjoyed the recent clips of Concord flying in all its beauty. The French have issued a stamp for its 50th. I like the US cable design.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You know what 10 years later I was on the first Cocord flight that was was Charterd which was by our pub the Bell. Really miffed the concord club off

violet s said...

This was pretty good timing for the Concorde stamp. I'm glad I at least got to see/hear it flying overhead even if I never got inside.
Love that cable stamp with the Mermaid and Jupiter.

Ana said...

I would also add like, C- for communication

love the cable stamp - as if it has come out of a Roman Mythology book :)

Mail Adventures said...

How different the design of these stamps are!
I think the concorde is a great choice for this week, and I'm very fond of Greek mythology, so I'm glad you added the cable stamp as well.