
Sunday, 21 October 2018

Sunday Stamps - J3 - USA

Back in the 1940s and 1950s I travelled to school by train. I've forgotten when I first heard a rail related song - it must have been this - 

However I had left school by then. Casey had become a railroad hero in the early 1900s. Driving a train for a friend who was ill he died in a crash in 1900 when two freight trains had blocked the track. However Casey saved the lives of his crew and passengers.

In 1950 he appeared on a stamp along with locomotives from 1900 and 1950.
USA - 29 April 1950
Continuing the railroad theme I found a locomotive from 1932.
USA - 1 October 1987
Brother Jonathan had a single pair of drive wheels and a four-wheeled swivel truck under the front of the locomotive. in the 1832 experiment by John B Jervis this design enabled the engine to negotiate most curves with ease and made it capable of much higher speeds.

Other 'J' related stamps may be seen by speeding over to Sunday-stamps-j 


Joy said...

Yes the Casey Jones chorus is one that has stayed with me for life. I like the streamliner train.

FinnBadger said...

These are great J finds. I have received the Brother Jonathan stamp in the past and would never have thought of it for today.

violet s said...

Two very different and nice trains on the Casey Jones stamp.
(p.s thanks for the ear worm - before I even listened to it, I was humming)

Maria said...

Interesting stamps for letter J! I love reading about railroad and train stories.

Mail Adventures said...

I also have received the stamp, but I had forgotten its name. I like a lot train with names.