
Thursday, 5 June 2014

I saw another sign - Thematic Photography

It's not often that I have a second try at one of Carmi's themes.

But if I were a dog ...
I'd want my money back.


21 Wits said...

Me too! I'm going to add a sign two too! I'm still searching for something really off the wall so to speak!

BumbleVee said...

hhahah...oh, nooooo! does that mean he's only 40% safe? ....

DougVernX said...

That's no deal for a dog! ;)

Jo said...

Poor dog.

Michèle et Jean-Claude said...

It's like when the municipality decides there are too many abandoned pets and offers free neutering and you just paid $200!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...
