Some letters are proving more difficult as we near the end of another A-Z round but the DDR gave me an unexpected surprise with -
DDR (East Germany) - 6 December 1967 |
This was Walter Ulbricht, the German communist leader and someone I vaguely remember.
In the Netherlands I came across this heavily postmarked commemoration for the 100th anniversary of the United Nations Telecommunications Union (ITU).
Netherlands - 17 May 1965 |
Finally it was Sweden that came to mind, I just knew that Uppsala would appear on a stamp - even in this case with a double U.
Sweden - 2 June 1977 |
Founded in the 1477 it was a donation from King Gustavus that put Uppsala University on a sound financial footing.The stamp commemorates its 500th anniversary.
For 'u' to see more related stamps visit the links at Seeitonapostcard
Wow, three different Us in one post - nice work. I like the Uppsala stamp a lot.
Fine finds, eventually!
Nice to squeeze in another u with the cancel post-uw - post your...for the holiday. Walter Ubricht certainly is a blast from the past.
I guess the East Germans expected everyone to know who this man was... but having looked him up, I also must have known his name at some point in my studies.
The bright yellow on the Uppsala building is very cheery!
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