
Sunday, 22 September 2013

National Costumes - Sunday Stamps

My previous post on National Costumes has had 456 visitors so far. Now it's time to see whether photos of two of my daughter's stamps attract as  high a number of visitors.

Austria - Tyrol Pustertal
This costume is from Tyrol, Pustertal - the Pustertal (Puster Valley) in the Alps runs East-West from Lienz in the Tyrol, Austria to Brixen in South Tyrol, Italy.

Spain - Badajoz
The costume is from the Province of Badajoz, capital Badajoz close to the Portuguese border on the left bank of the River Guadiana.

To see costumes from elsewhere cross over to Viridian at Sunday-stamps-139.


viridian said...

I like the striped stockings of the lady from Spain!
Thank you for joining us this week!

Marit Meredith said...

I have quite a lot of stamps from my father's collection, Bob. None of the really valuable ones he had, I fear, but it seems a pity just to leave them there. Any clue what I should do with them? First day covers, too, most of which I sent to him in Norway.
I see crafts people using them in their crafts, sticking them to things, but my father would turn in his grave!

Bob Scotney said...

Marit - unless they are unusual there is not much value in them. You might get more selling the collection whole. First Day Covers from the UK ca be picked up for as little as 50p or a pound at local markets run by stamp shops in the North East.

Postcardy said...

Costume stamps are one topic that really benefits from the use of color.

Maria said...

That pair of striped stockings from Spain is interesting!

ScotSue said...

My stamp collecting days were a long time ago, but I remember that Austrian series on costume (one of great interests) and I think I still have them somewhere in the loft.

VioletSky said...

I would not have expected such a hat from Austria!
and like the others, I'm attracted to those striped stockings of the Spanish woman :)

agi said...

yes the first one is too monochrome, the spanish one a delight :)

Ana said...

*thumbs up* for the Austrian stamp! If I had that one, Im pretty sure I would have overlooked it as fitting to the subject this week!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

the costume from Spain is sure look quite interesting.