You will have seen these faces already but I could not resist showing them slightly differently than before to meet our faces theme.
My very first Sepia Saturday post showed Amy in a head and shoulders view; this time it's just her face.
Amy |
Amy was my mother-in-law; the photo was long before I knew her of course.
I have to confess that I have tinted Amy's parents a bit but here they are relaxing by the sea.
Mary Hannah and George Albert |
Somehow it did not seem right to separate them to show their faces. The same applied to my son-in-law's grandparents photographed in Warsaw.
Maria and Tadeusz Alfonse |
And here's a boy old enough, now, to be 'sepiarised'.
Cody |
To see a further selection of mug shots you can do no better than taking a look at Sepia-Saturday-178.
Nice, oozing history and character.
Hi Bob .. I love those - amazingly evocative and historical .. glad you included Cody ..
Aren't those deck chairs amazing .. I remember a few of those .. and was always catching my fingers - very sore!!!
Cheers Hilary
A lovely set of faces, and I like the inclusion of Cody!
LOL. I wasn't expecting Cody.
Amy is beautiful with a wistful look too. A perfect photo for this week. Glad you included Cody too :)
Maria and Tadeusz Alfonse look right at the camera and I wonder what happened to them.
Cody looks good in sepia.
I really like the way photographers used to pose couples with their heads leaning together like the third photo.
Love Cody!
I never would have guessed that Amy's photo was that old. The dog photo looks ageless.
Cody steels the show.
Nice to see at least the hint of a smile in Amy's portrait.
Amy is a beauty, but I can't stop looking at the Alfonses. They don't seem too cheerful there, but they are a handsome couple.
Cody looks very sepian.
Nothing quite like family photos. Thanks for sharing some of yours. I think Amy and Maria are both beautiful women.
Love the photo of Amy and of Cody. Not much in the way of family photos myself unfortunately.
I suspect it is time that I was sepiarised. Love the photos, and I think I can remember Amy from that first Sepia Saturday post.
Cody is wonderful! A true Sepian!
A very pretty mother in law. I have never been chivalrous enough to say that about my mother-in-law !!
Oh my goodness gracious what an adorable photo of your doggie! Love it, and all the other photos are great too! Good face post- I sure wish blogger wasn't so hard to operate for me this week!
Especially like your lead in words, "face it" Amazing what we can do with today's tools, does Cody know?
Do we count the age to be sepiarized in dog years or people years? These are all wonderful. I especially like the photo of the Alphonse's.
I tried to comment earlier from my iPad and see now that I never was successful. I believe I wondered if we count the age at which we are old enough to be sepiarized in dog years or human years? I especially liked the portrait of the Alfonses.
Kathy - as you can see both comments were successful. There was football on TV last night so I could not clear your comments till Sunday morning.
I should also put the record straight for you and others. Alfonse is Tadeusz's second Christian name. I have deliberately not included their surname.
Pat - Cody has been told he is star of the show again!
Amy is just beautiful, and I love Cody. What a sweet doggie face.
I liked the deck chairs the first time I saw them, and even more in the head shot-version. And Amy , the word is Gorgeous.
It's interesting how many Sepians this weekend have chosen a photo of youthful beauty like Amy. And there have been a few handsome dogs too.
I'm wondering, about Maria and Tadeusz's picture: was this a studio shot, or an amateur one? Because I find it unusual for them to be touching that way. Usually, people stand/sit side by side...
Bruno - the original was shot in the late 1930s or early 40s. But my picture is a photo of a photo from the original.
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