
Sunday, 23 February 2014

Flowers for Valentines - Sunday Stamps

As we are too late for Valentine's Day and I don't have a heart(-shaped stamp), I took the cheapskate's option and went for flowers from my market trader instead.

British Wild Flowers (24 April 1967)
Top row, left to right::
  • Ox-eye Daisy, Coltsfoot and Buttercup
  • Bluebell, Red Campion and Wood Anemone
  • Larger Bindweed and Viper's Bugloss
Btm row
  • Hawthorn and Bramble
  • Dog Violet
  • Primroses
These would be hard to find at this time of year; I can only plead that we do have primroses out in our garden (well, just one or two.)

To see what hearts and flowers have appeared elsewhere, please check out other posts at Sunday-stamps-159.


Heleen said...

These are beautiful, fine stamps! I love all of them :-)

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I really like this series but I don't have any of them. Your market trader has come up trumps again.

Joy said...

Very pretty stamps and flowers to look forward to now the primroses are starting to appear.

VioletSky said...

Apart from the price that gives away the age of these stamps, they could be contemporary in style.

viridian said...

Yes the price is low, and in the old style. Lovely flowers! Here in the midwest it is far too early for any flowers. though I am hoping when I go to church today I'll see some snowdrops along the protected south wall.
Thank you for participating!

Little Nell said...

Beautiful stamps. The Spring flowers are out here in Lanzarote and we have banks ad fireds full of Vipers Bugloss. I’ll be putting them on FB soon.

Mail Adventures said...

Nice series. And I'm proud to have received one of these last November (

I'm also lucky to have received some stamps in the shape of a heart. I'm not sure if you have seen them, as I didn't join Sunday Stamps that week:
